Tuesday 14 August 2007

Dear Mr. AMD/ATi you did it again and it is for the last time!

After several sleepless nights, I finally gave up all hopes on ATi Linux driver and decided that the MaXX Interactive Desktop will be a fully optimized Nvidia based technology monster. I am willing to add 3DLabs supports, but I don't have an 3DLabs card... Anyone has an extra one and wants to be famous!

Sorry for all ATi users, but I don't have the time nor the energy to do it !

That decision in itself means many changes for the road map and also simplifies lots of code. It also mean that the Desktop experience, performance will be pushed to the MAX since we know exactly what we are dealing with. Plus, the fact that I know the Nvidia architecture inside-out.

I am also thinking that it might be the right time to look at adding GPU computation with Nvidia's CUDA technology right into the MaXX Interactive Software Development Kits...

ok, I feel much better now that this ugly mess is out of my chess... and again, sorry ATi users, no sexy and fast OpenGL based GUI with shadows...

I would like to hear your comments (good and bad, but no flaming war here)


Eric Masson

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ATI+Linux=The suck. You are not alone; many, many Linux users hate ATI.


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